Monday, October 7, 2013

Wisodom Mandala Pendant in Blue and Gold

Here's my latest pattern, the beaded Wisodom Mandala, named after the five Wisdoms.  Te photo shows the front and back of the same pendant. 
Playing with seed bead colors can be really fun and challenging. It took me a bit of practice to reliably get color combinations I like with the Wisdom Mandala, but I think I nailed it on this one.  For this mandala, I stayed within an analogous palette of blues, green and gold.  One side is basically just blue and gold, very simple.  The other side shows all three analogous colors: blue, aqua, and gold.  Staying simple helped make it work. 

One of my favorite things about making these pendants is that you get to use lots of different colors of beads, and you get two chances to get the colors to look the way you want.  By limiting my colors to I think I was able to get a harmonious design on both sides.  Nice.  See more Mandala Pendants here.

1 comment:

  1. Precioso colgante y collares con esta pieza.
    MariaM acabado en M
