Thursday, February 2, 2012

Chaos & Order Day 7

I didn't get too much done yesterday, but there's a bit on the bottom right and top.
 Here's a close up of the super right angle weave in three different sizes.
Just in case you just showed up, here is a link to my first post about this commissioned piece for flat beaded angle weaves.

Here is a link back to Day 6 and forward to Day 8.


  1. I am enjoying watching it grow.

  2. Hi Gwen, I just discovered your blog and have been very inspired by your week. I thought I'd share another of my inspirations with you as I see certain similarities in this commission and the work of El Anatsui, a Ghanaian sculptor who has been making installation from bottle tops and foil. You might enjoy it!

  3. KJ, me too!

    Erika, thank you for your comments. Your suggestion led me to this page. Very inspiring indeed! I'm curious to hear how you see my work as similar to El Antsui.

  4. I hadn't checked in in a while and WOW it's looking so amazing! Very exciting and inspirational! I have definitely never seen anything like it.
