Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chaos & Order Day 4

Here is my Day 4 progress on a commission for a large, flat, beaded angle weave art piece that I showed you a few days ago. I thought I'd try photographing it with a black background.
If it were a bracelet, which it isn't, but if it were, here is what it would look like.
Here is a link to Days 1, 2, 3, and an explanation of what I'm doing.
Or maybe you want to go on to Day 5.


  1. I actually like that as a large cuff.

  2. Gwen,
    That is gorgeous and too bad it is not a bracelet, because it makes a stunning cuff!

  3. I just knew I should never have photographed this on my wrist. ;)

  4. Gorgeous! As WIP art piece, but also as cuff. Can't wait to see the finished piece. How big will it be when finished?

    1. I don't know how big exactly, but I hope a little more than a foot long, and maybe six inches high.

  5. OMG I think this is beyond epic , and as fan of statement pieces this is one statement I would love to make
