Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Three Gemstone Necklaces

Can I tell you how much I love natural gemstones?  A lot.  I covet them.  I regularly go into my bead stash and ogle over the sparkling treasures that lie within.  Occasionally, I make stuff with them.  Here is the Paisley Tourmaline Necklace with Two Strands of Sparkling Gems.
 Notice the tourmaline roundels on the edge of the paisley.
 The second is El Cubo Necklace with Peridot and Heliodore Beryl.
Just look at the size of those heliodore crystals!  By the way, heliodore is a type of beryl, just like emerald (green) and aquamarine (blue).  When beryl is golden in color, it's called heliodore. So, if these stones were a little brighter green, they'd be emeralds.

I also took some new photos of this Fairy Chrysalis Beaded Necklace -- Rainforest.  This photo of the front of the chrysalis really captured the golden flash in the labradorite and the rich colors of the sapphires that speckle the front of the pendant.
Here's the back of the pendant.

Many of the stones on these necklaces are chosen from the nicest in my bead collection.  I think if you make anything out of nice natural stone beads, it almost has to be pretty.  Doesn't it?

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