Monday, April 25, 2011

Crochet Layered Flower in Red Wool

I got out my spinning wheel this weekend and spun up some beautiful burgundy wool/silk from Wonderland Dyeworks.  The depth and richness of her dyed wools are wonderful.  Here you can see the roving, yarn, and my partially finished flower.  I added enough beads to decorate just the top layer. I made a medium thick single ply yarn and started crocheting it following my Doceri video on how to crochet a layered flower.
I made it 4 layers thick, but I had a lot of yarn left, so I kept going.  Instead of making more layers though, I crocheted around the petals I already did, added one row of stitches to each petals to make them wider. I spiraled back in from layer 4, 3, 2 then 1.  I was happy when I was able to finish all four layers before running out of yarn.  I have about one yard to spare.
This flower is soft and springy and measures 4.5 inches across and about 1.5 inches thick.  From the side, you can see that the flower is dome shaped.  The springy wool helps the dome hold it's shape nicely.

Here is the back.  
I attached a pin by poking holes in my tag and pushing the pin through the holes.  I appliqued the tag to the back of the flower, and the tag holds the pin in place.  I had to attach the pin to the outside ring of petals rather than the center, or I would have lost the nice domed shape of the flower when the flower was pinned in place.  I am currently sewing a skirt with deep red silk, and I'm hoping this flower will find a home on the skirt somehow.


  1. Gwen, this flower is so incredibly beautiful--I mean seriously GORGEOUS! It is always so incredibly fun for me to see what amazingly lovely things people create from my fibers...and I have to say that your stunning flower has just completely wowed me! Such yummy fiber goodness!

  2. Thank you so much for creating such delicious colors for me to play with. I love the fully saturated colors you create.

  3. I found your site because of your beads.

    I stayed with you on your coat project because I know a little bit about sewing- and it was quite the learning experience following along with you.

    I saw your crocheted flower yesterday and thought it was pretty but I have absolutely no experience with crocheting so I didn't pay to much attention.

    Today I was shocked, SHOCKED I say, to see the line: I got out my spinning wheel. I was caught-up again.

    I actually know how to spin! I would love to someday have a really nice modern spinning wheel. However, forget the crocheting and knitting, I want to make a Navajo style rug. I want to start with the raw wool, freshly shorn, dye it with natural dyes, use that new spinning wheel (drop spindles take to long) set up my loom (probably from PVC pipe), and then spend years walking by a partially completed rug because these things take time and I have a lot of interests. Ahh, the things dreams are made from. Thanks for reminding me.

  4. KJ, Yeah Spinning! I really do enjoy all of the textile arts. All of them. I can't actually do all of them, but if it's a textile art, I've probably at least tired it and read a book on the subject, like weaving. I have a great appreciation for weaving, and I've only just tried it, but I've read a lot about it. I got into spinning a couple years ago when I went to a knitting and fiber show with my mom, who is an extraordinary knitter. She taught me to knit and crochet as a child, so when I saw people spinning, it seemed like a natural extension. I enjoy spinning from time to time, but it doesn't take too much creative thought, so I get bored if I do it too much. I adore working with hand spun yarn, though, so now, when I knit or crochet, I like to spin the yarn first. The finished object is always so much more lush with handspun yarn.

    I have a lot of interests too, and I'll probably be talking about beads next. I've still got a lot to say about beads.

  5. Okay, not to start a long personal conversation but...

    Beads will always be at the top of the list.

    I agree on the spinning, but it is fun and fulfilling. I learned to knit and sew in grade school, but never became very accomplished at either.

    Weaving- did you make those little pot holders out of bands of stocking material that you stretched over a plastic loom and gave to your Mom for Mother's Day? I graduated from that to an Inkle loom. I was fascinated by 4 harness looms and even have a book on how to build one. But, I always loved Native American arts and still do. Which explains a lot. The Navajo looms are built for each rug and then destroyed at the end of the process. They are traditionally made from scrap branches. They need to be anchored, which requires stability on the home front and some commitment to put aside some space. This is not a difficult weave. For me the real issue has been time and space.

    Which brings me back to beads. Have you tried any loom work? I don't do much, I prefer peyote. Have you seen
    which is all about loomed beadwork? Take a look. This is well worth adding to your RSS feed even if you don't work on a beading loom. There is one blog post about the difference in color due to reflectivity of matte, opaque, and transparent black delica beads. I expect to learn quite a bit from her blog.

    Okay, enough. I will go back to short comments, but I have to say I have enjoyed this step off the usual path.

  6. Yes, I definitely made those woven potholders as a kid, and I wove lanyards and did any sort of arts and crafts I was presented with. I have a loom, big enough to make a scarf, that my grandmother gave my sister long before my fumbling childhood fingers could use it, but I've only used it twice (since I rarely wear scarves). The giant rug loom you describe sounds awesome and fascinating, but oh what a project. It makes my sweater coat seem quick weekend project.

    As for Beads Beading Beaded, I've been friends with Erin for 5 or 6 years now. I have followed her work throughout that time, and have learned a lot from her. She's great. Thanks for suggesting her to me. You've got good taste. I think I tried a bead loom as a kid, but not lately. For some reason, charted work (beads, cross stitch, etc) doesn't really hold my attention very well. I like building things more than working with flat spots of color. Then again, Erin and I have argued over this 2D-3D issue as it relates to bead loom work, and certainly, she has pushed, no broken the boundary into the third dimension like no other bead loomer I've seen.

    If you leave short comments, so will I :)

  7. I may have found Beads, Beading Beaded through you- I know I followed some side path from one of my regular blogs to get there.

    I have a friend Arlene who began with painting and moved into beadwork. She does the best flat peyote cuffs (; you can see the influence of painting in the details of her flowered cuffs (the pansy cuff is astounding and the photo does not do it justice.) My drawing is basically limited to outlines and stick figures so I will never have her skills, nor the skills of your friend Erin. BUT, one of my other great loves is Celtic Knots. I have copied them, altered them, and designed my own. You do not need to count closely if you are doing a Celtic Knot pattern, but you do need to follow a pattern. Next time you have an itch to try something flat try Celtic Knots. (I think I will have to post my Celtic Knot loomed necklace on my blog now.) I think these patterns would appeal to both your artistic and mathematician sides.

  8. KJ, Thanks for the links. Her colors are great.

    My relationship with Celtic Knots goes WAY back. You couldn't have been more right when you said that they would appeal to both my math and art sides. Soooo right. Today's blog post is in your honor. :)

  9. Love, love your crochet flower!! I want to learn how to do this and adding the beads is lovely! I'm at work and can't wait to go home and watch your utube and hope that I can follow along!! Thank you for sharing your talent and your lovely pieces!!
