Monday, September 22, 2014

Assembling the Genie Bottle at Burning Man 2014

These are the photos I took of the assembly of the Genie Bottle at Burning Man.

We arrived to the Playa on Monday night, and on Tuesday, we were placed, found our trucker, unloaded the truck and put up some caution tape and lights. 
We had over 200 pieces to assemble. Fortunately, we had many helping hands.
This is Marty Kenney, working so hard, he trapped himself inside.
This is the dump truck that brought us decomposed granite (DG).  We covered the ground with a 3.5 inch layer of DG to protect it during the burn.
 While waiting for the ground stakes and DG to arrive, we organized all of the pieces.
Here's what the neighbors were doing at the same time.  This piece is called "Squared" by Charles A. Gadeken.
 This is Embrace by The Pier Group.
 After dinner, we built the deck.  Tiling a pentagon with rectangles is no easy feat!
 The next morning, we finished the top of the deck and raised the main struts.
 Everybody is strutting!
 Zelda Lin inside
 Adding walls.
 Hats off to Marty Kenney for making construction work look classy!
The crane came...
 ... while the sky put on a show for us.
A little dust storm blew through.
The crane lifted the top part onto the base.
While we guided the piece into place with long ropes.
That's Jim Crowley inside bolting the pieces together.
We worked at night to finish the last round of panels.
And then we added the interior, and it was done.
If you would like to see more photos and read about of the Genie Bottle at Burning Man, click here.  Thanks for looking.

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