Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bead & Button 2013 Starburst Galaxy

We just got word... Florence Turnour and I will be teaching two classes together at the Bead & Button Show in June 2013.  Here are a couple photos from the workshop I designed.  First is an 8-pointed star. 
And here is a necklace that I made from 6-pointed stars in four sizes.
I call the workshop the "Starburst Galaxy Made With Right Angle Weave."  I call it a galaxy because you can make more than 20 different stars in different shapes and sizes, all with one combination of techniques.    I'll show you more photos of the different stars you can make in the coming months as I assemble kits. 

Here are the class details. B130411- Tue. June 4 - 9:00am-5:30pm (with 1.5 hr. break) - DC Show Floor 22.  Registration doesn't begin until January, I think.  I'll give you more info as I get it.


  1. Hi,Gwen:
    Fantastic separate star.Fabulous necklace.Lovely colors and the conjunction of the stars in it is perfectly designed.
    Warm Greets from frosty Sweden-Halinka-

    1. Thank you Halinka. It's been fun discovering all of the different stars you can make with one method. Stay tuned in frosty Sweden, and go put on a sweater. There are plenty more still to show.

  2. Congratulations! Fantastic design, beautiful colorway. Can't wait to see the other variations.
