Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Infinity Ubercube and Other Beaded Cubes

Florence Turnour and I will be teaching two classes on the Infinity Ubercube at the Bead & Button Show 2012.  Lately, I've been working diligently on our kit offerings. The kits each make 11 beaded beads.  This is the complete green kit. (Click on the photos to see them larger).
To make some jewelry, our students will each receive a "Findings Packet" including things like wire, ear wires, crimps, ribbon, etc.  We will not be including larger beads, however, because we want to encourage them to be creative with their beaded beads and make their own jewelry their own.  For example, I added a few extra beads from my own stash including hand made borosilicate glass, a glass button, dichroic glass and a big glossy prehnite.  With these, I made a pair of earrings and a simply strung necklace.

Here is a close-up of the pair of earrings I made with the mini cube beaded beads.

These are the 11 beaded beads in the pink and purple kit,

and this is the necklace I made with the beaded beads. I've had those purple glass roundels for years, and they finally found a home.

Florence designed this kit in juicy fall colors.  Those purple drops just want to be plucked!  

I'm looking forward to seeing what she and all of our students make with their kits. You can now purchase the pattern here: http://www.beadinfinitum.com/Kits/index.html#Ubercube Thanks for looking!


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! I'm getting really excited about it, especially as everything is coming together. I got the last bobbin wound last night, which is a big relief. Winding bobbins is less fun than beading. Much less.

  2. Yummy colors! I love how they're indicative of both yours and Florence's styles too; the lime just screams "Gwen!" and the dark purple screams "Florence!"

    You've reminded me that I still have bobbin winding to do... Ugh.

  3. Wonderful designs, colors and shapes...love them all :)
    -Eva Maria

  4. Hi,
    wow...wow...wow...very great work, I love the design and the colors very much.
