Sunday, May 27, 2012

Highly Unlikely Hexagon and Borromean Link

I'm still having fun with cubic right angle weave.

This piece is Three Intersecting Rectangles for the Math Nerd In You No. 4 (Borromean Link).  Each of the three rectangles is an entirely separate piece of bead weaving.  Although all three are linked together, no two are linked to each other.  If you would like to learn how to make one for yourself, check out the pattern and kits for the beaded Borromean Links
Here is a Highly Unlikely Hexagon, also made with cubic right angle weave.  Matte black, gold and aqua... and I added a few sparkling Swarovski crystals at three of the corners for a little subtle bling.  These pieces are available in my Etsy shop, just in case you want them.     
I have a tutorial for the Highly Unlikely Triangle, a related but simpler design.  Thanks for looking.


  1. I like both of them, but really like the hexagon.

    1. Thanks KJ. It took a while for the inspiration to strike, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out.

  2. I'm certainly NO math nerd... not even a little bit, but I love love LOVE the intersecting rectangles!... and, well, everything else that you do. amazing, woman.

    1. Well, maybe, just maybe, I'll turn you into a math nerd. I can dream, can't I? Thank you so much for your kind comments.

  3. Love 'em both! But especially the hexagon :)

  4. Hi! I'm from Brazil and I loved his work.
    I am a crafter and I also work with beads. I love to make beaded animals!
    Visit my blog and tell him what you think!
