Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Painting on my iPad

I went to a few art galleries recently, and it left me wanting to paint.  Today I painted pictures of my pets.  Meet Walter. 
Walter is not actually purple, but he is the nicest animal you will ever meet.  He's a lap dog, and weighing in at about 90 pounds, he makes me wish I had a bigger lap.  Fortunately, he knows the command "move."  Good doggy!

This is my cat Boo. 
You could say that Boo is less sociable than Walter.  I always wondered what little Boo would look like if I dyed her pink.  Now I know.  Notice that Boo is so poofy that her fuzziness overflows into the air around her.  She's that fuzzy.

I painted these pictures with Doceri software on my iPad.   I took a photo, and then colored over the top.  Fun stuff.


  1. I had to check out the doceri software and I am just blown away. That is amazing. I didn't look at all the videos because I was immediately drawn to your beading ones. They are amazing! Thanks for sharing and for taking the time to do the videos. _.

  2. Thank you Pixiloo. Doceri is amazing software, very easy to use. They it out. It's free to try so you have nothing to lose.

  3. that is so fun! I'll have to try that out on my iPad! I don't have much need for the educational side of the software, but that side could be fun! (and cheaper than art supplies for my non-painting self!)

  4. Painting on an iPad IS fun, especially when you can trace right over photos. And no mess to clean up when you're done.
