Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Cube Cluster Pattern

With the release of the 3-page, abridged version of the Cube Cluster Beaded Bead pattern (above right) in the current issue of Beadwork Magazine, we are now selling the full 14 page version of this pattern combined with our old favorite, the Octahedral Cluster (above left). You get two patterns for the price of one, 33 pages and 140 photos and illustrations in all. Included are lengthy discussions of basic beaded cubes and octahedrons so that even beginning beaders can follow along.
These two beaded beads make a great matched set, because they use the same weaving technique and have the same symmetry.  They are also both very round and in two complimentary sizes, with the Cube Cluster measuring a full inch, and the Octahedral Cluster at 3/4 inches.   And OF COURSE, our pattern has lots of variations and inspirations if you want to explore the technique further. The Cube Cluster also has a remarkable large hole, over 3mm, making it suitable to be strung on a cord or a thin chain. See the hole in the center of the blue and gold one below.


  1. This design is so yummy... I have a craving to try it with big round crystals - time to go bead shopping!

  2. This beaded bead is so pretty can't wait to try it... But could please tell where tot get the purple beads, I tried the fire mountain gems but can't find this one. What will be the description please.

  3. Anie, search for purple satin and you will find it. Good luck!

  4. Hola que trabajos mas bonitos,pasa un buen día

  5. Gwen,

    I just got my copy of Beadwork and see these beads are on the cover! Congratulations. That is exciting.

  6. Gwen, I made a few of the beads (they're addicting) from the magazine. What is the color of the orange/gold 8 mm beads?

    1. If I knew, I'd buy more. I have no idea. Sorry.

  7. Gwen, this is a gorgeous design! Thank you for the Beadwork pattern; I've had such fun with it! So much fun, in fact, that I had to keep making the beads even when I ran out of 8mm beads. I use 6mm beads, 11s instead of 8s, 8s instead of 3mms (sometimes) and 15s instead of 11s in the corners. I do use two or three 15s in the 'triangle' parts of the beadwork. Depending on the other beads I have to work with, I'll use three 15s as in the original pattern, or only 2. This even works with only 9 core beads, as in my Faberge-inspired design here. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151274282736952&set=a.328924216951.153284.325418626951&type=1&theater
    Without you this design could not be possible. Thank you Gwen!
