Friday, January 20, 2012

Tutorial -- Twisted Cubic Right Angle Weave

I just finsihed my newest tutorial on cubic right angle with a twist.  Twisted cubic right angle weave is a just like regular cubic right angle weave, but forms a twisted tube.  The twist in the stitch allows you to color it like a candy cane.  It is suitable for a cable on a necklace or bracelet.  You can also join the ends to make a small donut-shaped beaded bead, which is what I like to do with it because you get nifty torus knots and link designs on the surface of the donut. 

The pattern gives complete instructions for weaving the donut including the use of several sizes of seed beads and different numbers of repeats around the tube.  Of course, I had to make the smallest one I could since you know I'm a sucker for itty bitty beaded beads.  This one is just 13 mm across and 5 mm thick.

I end this post with some happy donuts, because donuts make me happy.  The smile is also a bracelet, because you can also make jewelry with twisted cubic right angle weave, you know, if you're into that sort of thing.


  1. I really like the bracelet - what a pretty pattern!

  2. I find cubic RAW so difficult that I've never made more than an inch, so this twisted version amazes me, you must have infinate patience.

  3. I love this, I don't know how you do it.

  4. Do you have tutorial for square cubic RAW?

  5. Yes. Click the link in the post that says, "cubic right angle weave."
