Friday, February 18, 2011

Animated Video Tutorial on How To Weave Super RAW

I uploaded my first beading video on how to weave super right angle weave (SRAW) with beads.
This is my very first beading video, including photos and animated illustrations, and a bit of rambling at the beginning while I show you a few photos.  If you want to just see the how-to part, zoom ahead to 3:08. I created this video with Doceri software on my iPad.  

This bracelet is bead woven with SRAW. In the video, I mention how the 3mm by 4mm roundels are woven into the weave just like the other "connector" beads (in matte blue, size 8/0), but with three beads (11/0, roundel, 11/0) instead of a single matte blue bead.

Compared to un-embellished RAW, SRAW is tighter and less thread shows.  It also sews up relatively quickly because you pick up five beads on most stitches.  I made this entire bracelet in about three hours.  The weave is still nicely flexible like RAW, but a bit more sturdy.
This bracelet is sold.  Thanks for looking.


  1. It's a bird, it's a plane, it's... Super RAW! :)

  2. You crack me up. I call it super because it's an angle weave with right angles but it has loops of loops. If it had loops of loops of loops, should I call it super super RAW, or maybe it should be super duper RAW?.

  3. LOL, you two crack me up. Gwen tried out the video yesterday as my Day 44 project. Great video and love the software!

  4. Mandy, thank you for the blog post! I love it!

  5. Replies
    1. That is a very good question! My answer is, "Almost." You can read all about it here:
