Monday, September 27, 2010

Design Team Call for Seed Beaders

Are you a seed bead weaver?
Do you want to get free patterns from beAd Infinitum?
Do you want a this fancy banner to adorn your blog or website?
Florence and I just put out a call for talented seed beaders who would like to join our design team. Team members get free beAd Infinitum patterns of their choice, each month of the term. In return, team members make and publicly display jewelry on the internet using our patterns.

See all the details here:
beAd Infinitum Design Team Call
Deadline for submissions:  Sunday, October 24, 2010.


  1. I think I have no choice but to throw my hat in the ring! Love these beads...

  2. Excellent! I look forward to seeing your submission. Thank you.
