Friday, September 11, 2009

Deco Lotus Earrings in Beadwork Magazine

I got my Deco Lotus Earrings published as a project in this current issue of Beadwork Magazine, Oct/Nov 2009. Check it out. Forgive me for taking the photo of these earrings before I attached the ear wires.

I also got my Harvest Jewels Necklace published on the back cover of the same issue in the Firemountain Gems advertisement. The center bead is a Time Machine Beaded Bead.  This necklace is sold.


  1. The earrings are gorgeous. It is always nice to see one more of your starry stitches.

  2. Thank you Gwen! The earrings are gorgeous and were a real fun and "easy-going" project. Congratulations for your blog :-)

  3. I didn't have the time to read the magazine, but now I know you're featured in it I will make some time
