Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Itty Bitty Fringe Bead

This beaded bead is made with the fringe method, with ten strands of fringe and seven beads in each strand.  That makes 70 beads, plus one for the core for a total of 71. That's a lot of beads considering it's only 9mm across.  If you want to make one, use a 6mm bead for the core.  Each strand of fringe has 6 size 15/0 seed beads and one 2mm Swarovski crystal, placed randomly between the second and second to last bead on the strand.  You can substitute a size 11/0 seed bead for the 2mm crystal, but I think the tiny crystals are what give it its personality.


  1. What a pretty little bead, Gwen. I love the little crystals. They add just the right "pizazz" to the design. Looks like fun to make, too!

  2. Thanks Chelsea. I love those little crystals too. I could break the bank on just those alone, expensive little buggers.

  3. Gwen, when I made my fringe bead a whole back, my fringes tended to move around, shouldn't they stay in place? How to you get yours to stay? Thanks!

  4. I imagine they'd only move around if they were really long. I generally get everything to stay in place by reinforcing my weaving.

  5. Sweet little beaded bead! My smallest one is 8mm!

  6. Dang, you beat me Sharri! How many beads in it?

  7. Super cute! It's the tiny little adorable kitten of all beaded beads.

  8. Excellent, Sally. That's what I was hoping to hear!
