Friday, May 6, 2011

Fairy Chrysalis Bead Encrusted Pendants for the rock collector in you

Because sometimes you just have to let loose and go free form...
Each of these pendants starts with natural stone core beads that I encrust with tons of other beads.  A variety of natural gemstone beads and seed beads cover the surface, and a bail to hold a chain is woven right into the beadwork.

Blue Opal and Aquamarine core beads
Pink Muscavite core bead
Blue Sodalite core bead
Labradorite core bead
Although my technique is free form, I think you can see from the photos that it is not entirely without method.  Click on the photos to learn more about the individual pieces above.  If you would like to learn about the techniques I used, check out the pattern I wrote explaining a general method for weaving these free form Fairy Chrysalis pendants.


  1. These are really pretty but they are enhanced by the name: Fairy Chrysalis. It is perfect.

  2. Thanks KJ. Sometimes I get lucky and find just the right name.

  3. Beautiful! A magical pendant!

  4. Очень красивая работа! Цвета бесподобные . Very - very nice *)
