Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Video Tutorial on Beaded Circle Earrings Using Hexagon Weave

I just uploaded my latest Doceri video tutorial on bead weaving.  The video shows how to make these beaded circle earrings using hexagon angle weave.

Here's the video:

Hexagon angle weave is similar to right angle weave (RAW) in that both of them are beaded angle weaves.  Beaded angle weaves are made by joining loops of beads together.  With RAW, the loops have 4 beads and the angles between adjacent bead holes are right angles, hence the name.  With hexagon angle weave (HAW?), the loops each have 6 beads and the holes of the beads are at 120 degrees to each other, like in a hexagon.

My next video will demonstrate how hexagon angle weave can be generalized to fill any patch of the plane, to make bracelets, earrings, necklaces or whatever you can imagine.  The presentation is ready; I just have to record it.  For me, speaking is the hardest part of making these videos.  Maybe in the next one I'll be funny.  I'm pretty sure I'm a lot funnier in real life than I am in my videos.  HAW!

What I learned: In making these videos, I'm learning that I have trouble explaining anything worth explaining in under 5 minutes.  In fact, I originally wrote both of the lessons together, but decided that a 10 minute video is too long, and so I cut it in two.

Reflections on Doceri:
Working in Doceri is particularly novel because you have to think in time. When you edit drawings, you have to edit them in time, which we don't normally do when we write on paper. Paper is just spatial.

Doceri is spatial and temporal. It's the extra variable of time that makes a Doceri video different to compose and refine, and it is also different to watch for the viewer.  Because the viewer can watch the drawing unfold, more information can be communicated without extra words or pen strokes.

Another thing that makes Doceri unusual to compose in, is you have to zoom into your iPad screen to write and draw clearly. The more you zoom in, the more control you have in where to place your pen strokes. By constantly zooming in and out, distances are changing as well. Therefore, I almost always work with graph paper as a scaffold for my presentation. It helps me keep my lines straight. Other Doceri users have just as well used their own illustrations, templates, or photos as a background for their work. When our drawings are complete, we use a clean background for final presentation.

With permission, I am coping a comment from Suzanne Golden.
"Just watched the video. I think Doceri really changes the world of beading instructions.....So easy to follow and I love the way you did the layout first and then the actual instruction. "

Thank you Suzanne!


  1. You're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Gwen this is awesome! I can't wait to give it a whirl as my next lesson! You are getting really good at using the software and I love your explanation on how the software works. Can't wait for the next one! I'm sure you'll be hysterical LOL.

  3. Oh Oh OH I am going right after leave this comment!!! I love your videos!

  4. Oh that was so yummy! You really do an awesome job discribing the stitches!

  5. Thank you Mandy and Kristen. I'm so glad you enjoyed the video. I'm hoping to get the next one up later today!
