Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts

JMA recently posted images of the covers of the journal.  You can see my beaded beads on the second issue, published in 2007.  This cover shows three views of an Octahedral Cluster and another three views of a beaded Sierpinski Tetrahedron, one of which is shown below.  If you would like to read the paper that goes with the cover, download a free copy of my paper on the symmetry of beaded beads (pdf).


  1. Wow Gwen, amazing as always. I think I may have seen this back in the day on the Bead and Button site, or maybe Starving Artists. Anyway, very cool achievement! Congratulations on having your art recognized by a technical/professional society!

  2. Thank you Chelsea. It's always fun seeing your name "up in lights."

  3. Wow, I love your beads! I read the paper but unfortunately didn't understand most of it. LOL. I will study it and try it out again! Thank you!

  4. Thank you Mandy. Feel free to just enjoy the pictures.

  5. The link to the PDF doesn't work. :(
