Monday, August 3, 2009

Archemedes Star in Beadwork Magazine

I have a project article in the current issue of Beadwork Magazine, August/September 2009, Volume 12, Number 5. The project shows how to make an Archimedes Star weave bracelets with seed beads and some large disk beads or buttons.

Archimedes Star is one of many possible star weave designs. This particular
one uses stars with three points, joined in circles of 6 stars each. I named this particular weave after Archimedes because it looks like one of the Archimedian tilings with equilateral triangles and regular hexagons (
What I learned: I have found that an infinite number of different star weaves are possible. So I started writing a paper on the subject to document how I construct them. You can see my website for two more examples of star weaves including Kepler's Star and Night Sky.

1 comment:

  1. How cool! I will definitely go get a copy of that magazine.The bracelet is lovely!
